
Muslim Mentality

  • Satan wouldn't create monotheism, he would create the pagan trinity.

  • They think the western way of life is immoral AND justify slavery as a way to fix it

    • When criticizing "slave" ownership, they say western partners have no ownership rights
    • They say that these women are not chaste (as if that's a universal problem)
    • That is, what they were doing is Zina
    • They say that such women may have also wanted to initiate sex with their captors
    • That is, it may not have always been that only the captors initiated sex with their slaves
    • They say that slavery was to fix these immoralities, instead of lashing them for Zina
    • That is, slavery worked as a method for implementing gradual change more peacefully
    • We don't know if slave women needed to work for their freedom
    • It mostly depended on the piety of the Muslims
    • So that's why Islam focused on improving the piety of Muslims
    • That is, when Muslims make mistakes, they can release them to be free of sin
    • And secondly, as an act of grace (it's also possible to release them for ransom)

Here, Muslims claim that Islam didn't increase slavery, but rather, it only took slaves so that they'll be turned into Muslims and then freed when the masters become pious. (Mathematically and economically, this doesn't add up; but intentionally, possible, in the most stupid way imaginable)

More sensibly, it only conveys that those who believe this are people with no self control, and can't prevent having sex to the point that they have to steal women for sex, so much so that Islam had to be created where women go from being sex slaves to "concubines who are lawful for having sex with" provided consent is provided (with ambiguity on whether consent is obtained meaningfully - with one major example being that silence means "yes").

  • Example: Converting to Islam after seeing peach juice dripping from the face of a French Jewish nudist (Timothy Winters, now a Sheik)

Islam cannot be whitewashed, and polytheism is worse than killing

From URL: https://sunnahonline.com/library/purification-of-the-soul/253-taking-pride-in-islam

In the face of attacks on Islam by the disbelievers, some Muslims turn to the defensive with an inner feeling of defeat as they try to show that Islamic values are no different from western ones. If they are told that the Islamic political system is dictatorial, they respond by trying to show that it is democratic. If they are told that Islam is spread with jihad, they respond that Muslims fought only to defend themselves when attacked. If they are told that there is a problem with the status of women in Islam, they try to prove that Islam allows polygamy only under strict conditions, which most men do not fulfill and hence they conclude it is virtually not allowed.

Such apologetic attitudes should be put behind us. Islam is a way of life given to us by Allah, it cannot be put on the same level as other man-made ideologies or corrupted revelations. Muslims should have enough confidence in themselves to go on the offensive rather than stay on the defensive like an accused person.

When Quraysh accused the Muslims of violating the sanctity of the sacred months on the occasion of the fight between the Muslim brigade of 'Abdullah ibn Jahsh and the disbelievers, Allah revealed: "They ask you concerning fighting in the Sacred Months (these are the 1st, 7th,and 12 months of Islamic calendar). Say: 'Fighting therein is a great transgression but a greater transgression in the Sight of Allah is to prevent mankind from following the Way of Allah, to disbelieve in Him, to prevent access to al-Masjid al-Haram (at Makkah), and to drive out its inhabitants, and polytheism is worse than killing. And they will never cease fighting you until they turn you back from your religion. If they can. And whosoever of you turns back from his religion and dies as a disbeliever, then his deeds wil lbe lost in this life and in the Hereafter, and they will be the dwellers of the Fire. They will abide therein forever." [Al-Qur'an 2:217]

This is how the Qur'an argues with the disbelievers. The Qur'an starts attacking them on their greatest crime: their disbelief in Allah and their association of partners with Him. One should not present a false interpretation of our religion for he purpose of pleasing the disbelievers.

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